Did you know that people who live with an attitude of thankfulness are known to live longer, sleep better, and live happier lives? I used to think people were thankful only when things were going well and life was good. I thought that until I came across individuals who were suffering from significant loss and pain, and despite their circumstances showed a tremendous amount of thankfulness and gratitude.
The Bible is filled with many verses and references to thankfulness. I Thessalonians 5:18 says “Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you”. God commands us to be thankful in ALL circumstances. But when times are trying, being thankful is a difficult thing to do. However, when we focus on our blessings and gratitude, it is easier to keep our problems and concerns in the right perspective.
We teach our children to say thank-you because it is the polite thing to do, but are we really teaching them how to BE THANKFUL? How can we teach them if we don’t fully grasp the concept ourselves? We live in a privileged society and we have become lackadaisical to the things that should overwhelm our hearts with thankfulness.
Thankfulness is a choice. It is not a day or a season. It cannot be measured and it does not keep score. When we choose thankfulness, our spirits are lifted and those around us will benefit from our “attitude of gratitude”.
Here are a few simple ways to incorporate thankfulness into your daily life.
- Keep a thankfulness journal
Write down something you are grateful for at the beginning of each day. It can be something very simple as being thankful for that morning cup of coffee or it might be the long-awaited benefits of a healed relationship. Starting your day with a dose of thankfulness will set a positive tone for the rest of the day.
- Write a letter of thanks (pen and paper)
Write a letter to someone and let them know how much you appreciate them. It is so rare to receive a hand-written note. Imagine how thankful the recipient will be and how good you will feel for doing it.
- Find forgiveness in gratitude
It is difficult to feel thankful for those who have hurt us, yet harboring anger prolongs the connection to the painful past. Work toward forgiving those individuals by finding a way to thank them.
When the world observes us being thankful despite the circumstances and hardships we encounter, we stand out! Cultivating a spirit of thankfulness honors God and strengthens our relationships with other people. True thankfulness is everyday thankfulness.