5 Smart Tips on How to Preserve Old Family Photos

This picture is a priceless treasure in our Family Legacy Drawer. It is the wedding picture of my grandparents, Ernest and Anna Bean (my Dad’s parents).  They were married November 26, 1913.  I didn’t have the privilege of spending much time with them because they lived in Kansas and they both passed away when I was a young child.  In fact, when I first saw this picture, I didn’t even know who it was until I turned the picture over to find their names and the date of their wedding.  Thank you grandma for labeling the back of this picture!

I’m sure you have a few family heirloom photographs in your possession too!   Are they stuffed in a box somewhere?   Are they labeled?  Do you know who is in the picture and where they fit in your family tree?  These photos are windows into your family history and preserving them now will give your children and grandchildren a chance to know their family heritage.

Not every old photograph is an heirloom worth preserving and keeping. In fact, some (or maybe even most?) are photo clutter.  Going through your photos and discarding the clutter makes it easier, cheaper, and less of a hassle to preserve the keeper photographs.

Here are five tips to help you preserve your old family photos:

 1. Label, Label, Label 

Take time to identify and write down the names, places, and dates that go with the image. It’s too easy for vital information to be lost as memories fade and these pictures are passed on to the next generation. The best place to label is on the back of the photo. Use a #2 pencil or a special acid-free marker that you can pick up at any craft store. Do not use a sharpie or ball point pen as they may bleed through the paper.

2. Use photo-safe storage 

Preserve your old photos in acid free photo-safe albums or archival boxes. Store them in a cool dry place that has a temperature controlled environment. Changes in temperature and humidity can damage these fragile heirlooms. These pictures are part of your family legacy, so extra care should be taken when storing these photographs.

3. Handle old pictures with care 

When handling old family photos, hold them by their edges and avoid touching the images themselves. Moisture and oils on your hands can speed up the deterioration. Always handle the photos with clean dry hands or wear white cotton gloves.

4. Avoid natural light 

Old pictures are light sensitive and can fade quickly if exposed to direct sunlight. Avoid viewing or displaying under these conditions. It is best to display old family photos using an acid- free matt and archival glass when framing.

5. Scan your old photos

Nothing can replace the beautiful black and white images and delicate paper of your old family photos, but only having one copy may leave your family legacy vulnerable to natural disasters. Label and scan your old family photos onto a computer or disc and/or the cloud. You may want to make several DVD’s of the old family photos and give them to other family members.

Now, don’t forget to document in The Family Legacy Drawer where the digital photos are located as well as the original photographs. Your family will be forever grateful that you took the time to preserve this family treasure.

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