Living Life to Leave a Legacy

Have you ever considered your Legacy?

Legacy is defined as something that a person leaves behind to be remembered by.   Whether you realize it or not, you are writing one with your life.

Presidents often speak of leaving a “legacy” when their term is done.  This expression is referring to the impact that their presidency will have upon future generations.  Presidential libraries are what come to mind we think of presidents and their legacies.

We all have thoughts running through our minds about the kind of legacies we will leave. It reminds me of the story that motivational speakers used to tell about the dates on a headstone.  They would say, “When you die, you will have two dates on your headstone:  the year you were born and the year you die.  Those dates are separated by a little dash.  You really don’t get to decide either one of those dates, but you do get to decide what to do with the dash.” The dash represents your life.  Everything you have ever done or will do is represented by that little dash on the headstone.  Then all the great speakers ask the same question: “What are you going to do with your dash?”

I want to focus this blog on leaving a spiritual legacy.   Passing on a legacy with eternal value is far more important than a temporal inheritance of money and property.   And the bonus is no estate tax on these legacies!

Everyone builds a spiritual legacy, even those who don’t plan to do so.   Each of the twelve disciples built their legacy as they walked and talked with Jesus and then later as they spread the gospel.  Even Judas left a legacy.  Even though his legacy was negative, we do take note and learn what not to do.

A positive spiritual legacy is made up of things we do and say that make a difference in other’s lives and draw them closer to Jesus. We know we’ve made a difference if our words and/or actions leave a small imprint of Jesus in their hearts.

It usually takes years to build a spiritual legacy because so much is made up of the impact we have on people throughout our Christian lives. We are being watched and observed.  How do we respond to life’s circumstances, how do we spend our money, how do we use our time.  What good deeds do we do in Jesus name and how do we treat people around us.   All these things form and shape our legacy.

I am so thankful for the spiritual legacy my parents instilled in me. All throughout my childhood, going to church was a priority for our family.  My parents served in various ministries. They encouraged us to be involved in the youth groups and church service projects.  Prayer around the dinner table each evening was a special time for the whole family.

Even during the last days of my mother’s life, she prayed for other people, her family, the nurses, neighbors and friends that came to say their goodbyes. Her legacy was that of a disciplined prayer warrior.  When she passed away I received her study Bible.  During my study times, I love to stumble upon her underlines and notes in the margins.   This has been a priceless spiritual legacy!

So you have a choice to make. If you want to leave a spiritual legacy that is greater than you, if you want to leave a legacy that will impact your family and others, if you want to live your life to leave something that will be great, all you need to do is wrapped up in these three simple yet inspiring statements Paul spoke about from 2 Timothy 4:7 “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith”.

  1. Fight the Good Fight – Recognize each day that you need to stand firm, ready to persevere. Keep your eyes on Jesus so you can walk worthy of the calling He has given you.
  2.  Finish the Race – Make sure that in the process of building your spiritual legacy, you are neither disqualified nor disheartened in the race of life. Complete the tasks that have been assigned by the Lord. Finishing well in the long term requires that you finish well in the short term.
  3. Keep the Faith – Hold on to the truth tenaciously and retain your personal trust in the Lord.

How are you living your “Dash”? What kind of legacy are you leaving?   Remember that as long as you are still on this earth, it is not too late to improve your spiritual legacy.

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