Preparation Is the Key to Winning

The opening ceremonies for the 2016 Summer Olympics will take place this Friday, August 5, in Rio de Janeiro. Think of all the planning and preparation that happens for an event that takes place only once every four years.  Now imagine how many hours of training and the level of dedication and preparation that must take place for these elite athletes to compete in the Olympic Games.

This type of commitment and dedication makes me think of how we all should prepare our families for when we no longer around. I know that this type of preparation never seems to be a high priority.  Nobody really likes to think about death.  But we love our families and want them to win and succeed even when we are no longer here to cheer them on.  The perfect way to show your love is to create The Family Legacy Drawer for your family.

The Family Legacy Drawer should contain everything your spouse and/or your family needs to know after your death.  The drawer can be physical such as a file drawer and contain paper documents, or it can be virtual with digital documents. The Family Legacy Drawer creates clarity and organization.  Your family will be able to locate important documents and carry on the legacy you have created.  It is truly the best gift you can give your family.

Some items to put in The Family Legacy Drawer:

  1. Will/Trust Documents
  2. Listing of Financial Accounts
  3. All Insurance Information
  4. Important Documents (birth certificates, passports, social security card, etc.) or where they are kept.
  5. Safe Deposit Box Content Listing and Location
  6. Tax Returns
  7. Password/PIN numbers
  8. Final Wishes/ Funeral Instructions/People to call
  9. Family Tree/Photographs/Heirlooms
  10. Love Letters/ Spiritual Legacy

This is just a framework and is not all inclusive. Your family legacy drawer should be personalized to your life.

This week I will be traveling to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to watch my daughter-in-law, April Ross, compete in the Olympic beach volleyball event. I know first-hand how hard she has trained and the level of commitment and dedication she has maintained.  She is always looking for ways to improve her game.  She learns from her mistakes and celebrates the successes along the way.  April has laser focus, a strong desire to win, and a clear vision for her future.  These are attributes of a winning athlete and she has prepared well for the Olympics.

Have you prepared well for your family? Have you set them up to succeed in life and win long after you are gone from this earth?  Show your family how much you love them by creating The Family Legacy Drawer

4 comments on “Preparation Is the Key to Winning

  1. Mary, it is so amazing that you would post this. I was just thinking the other day how great it would be for you to do a seminar on this very subject. (I know you have been a BIG help in getting Carol Dalton’s things in order). It’s not just us mature people that need this, but younger with dependents.?

    • Dona,
      Thanks for your encouragement. I am working on a book and organization system for The Family Legacy Drawer and I would love to do seminars. I agree that this information is important to families of all ages!


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